Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chiharu Shiota


Tim Walker

régine debatty

Thru Tran

Laury Dizengremel

Nike Saavas

Ingo Maurer

The Flaming Lips

The Flaming Lips are definatly preformance artists along side of being musicans

Necklace- Deborah Kruger


This movie is very disturbing, but visually pleasing. Its about a young man who has the keanest sense of smell in the world and will go to the ends of the earth to create the perfect scent..even if it means murdering people to do so.

The Fall- Directed by Tarsem Singh

The movie is basically about a girl who befriends, Roy Walker, a movie stunt man who has paralyzed legs after a terrible fall. The movie takes place in the hospital while Roy tells the girl about a fantastical tale of six bandits who are on a quest to kill an evil governor. Do not get mislead by this is a downer. Roy is a morphine addict who uses the girl and his story in order for her to fetch his pills. Great right? But no really, I highly reccommend it. The cinomatography and acting in this movie is amazing and the story is really solid. Here is the trailer: