Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ok go created Tesselations too

This music video reminds me a lot of our tesselation projects. watch here:

Ok Go did pretty much did our our project in video form. Good job you

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh, if you want to visit Aaron Jasinski's website its :

Illustrator Aaron Jansinski

Spike Jonze

Stills from Where The Wild Things Are

This is a music video for The Pharcyde directed by Jonze (displaying film backwards)

The Science of Sleep created by Michel Gondry

"A wonderously baffling jigsaw puzzle where dreams and reality struggle to find a fit, The Science of Sleep is the dream you wish you could have, if only you could remember it"
Lousie Keller
These are some stills from the film.
Watch the trailer here:
Watch a portion of the film here: (the dream sequence begins at about 3:15)
Some of Michel Gondry's other work includes :Enternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Bjork music videos, and Be Kind Rewind
"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid"- Michel Gondry

Beck Music Video

Creatively filmed music video staring Beck; depicting his walk around the city where objects, streets, and signs fold to create new forms

Steriogram- Music Video

This is an awesome music video combining film of the band with animations. Most of the animations are made of felted and stringed materials. Watch

Emperor of Ice Cream

This is a beautifully light animation by Ringling College art student Ben Breech; astoundingly charming

Friday, February 5, 2010

Misha Gordon

You must visit his site:

Nickalodeon Magazine Cover

Artist Unknown

Found this image in, yes Nickalodeon Magazine, and ripped it out. I don't know exactly why, but the picture stuck with me ever sense. The coloration is off in this image, but you can still see the girl playing rainbow jumprope with the multitude of flipping pugs.

Believe it or not, the artist claims she didn't use photoshop in this image. She is an underwater photographer who loves taking images of women and children in lots of fabric. woah

Zena Halloway

Anton Corbijn
